Speeding Tickets
Ask any top Connecticut traffic ticket lawyer and they will tell you that you should never plead “no contest” and mail in a speeding ticket or pay it on line. A speeding ticket may not seem like a very serious matter and often your first instinct is to just pay the ticket and make the problem go away quickly. The problem is that the DMV maintains a record of your payment of a traffic infractions (including speeding). These go on your permanent driving record just like a conviction after trial would. The insurance companies use these records to re-rate your policy and charge you increased insurance premiums. Too many tickets and you could be facing driver retraining courses and possible suspension of your operator’s privilege which will cause your insurance rates to take off like the space shuttle. The best course of action is to retain the services of a Stamford traffic ticket lawyer to work to get the ticket ether dismissed or reduced to a non-moving violation which would not effect your insurance rates.
Top Connecticut traffic ticket lawyers will all tell you that the Connecticut DMV is very misleading about the language on the back of infraction tickets. While they may not assess “points” for moving violations at the DMV when you mail in the ticket or pay on line the record of your offense is still recorded on your permanent driving history and the insurance companies will take note when it comes time to renew your policy. Also, the DMV still takes “administrative actions” against you based upon the amount of tickets you receive regardless of whether they issue points or not. This means that 3 speeding tickets in 24 months still results in a trip to driver retraining and a 36 month period of probation on your license even though you thought that you were not getting any “points.”
Obviously, if you want to keep your insurance rates within reason you want to avoid any speeding ticket or moving violation infraction violations if at all possible. That is where we come in. With 28 years of experience in the defense of speeding tickets we will take care of the entire process for you.
Even Out of State Drivers Should Contest Connecticut Speeding TicketsMany out of state residents from our neighboring states who frequent Connecticut think that they can just pay the ticket here in Connecticut and it will not effect them in their home state. This is no longer the case. Due to the interstate Drivers License Compact (DLC) 45 states share speeding and traffic infraction conviction information with each other and this information is all reported to every major auto insurance company. In the old days they used to say that big brother was watching, well with the advent of computer systems and the DLC you should not plead guilty to a speeding ticket anywhere. We regularly defend speeding tickets for out of state residents and our out of state clients never have to step foot in Connecticut to get their speeding ticket dismissed or reduced. We take care of everything for you just like we do for out in-state clients.
Never Participate in the Online Ticket Review ProgramStarting in 2019 the State of Connecticut began an online ticket review program for people who enter a plea of not guilty. The way the system works is that you file a statement online with your position on the case and a State’s Attorney review’s your submission and then can either decide to lower the fine amount, nolle or drop the charge or transfer the case to the court for further proceedings. The program has a lot of disadvantages for citizens and really is designed to benefit the interests of the State of Connecticut. The statistics released on the results of the first year of the program show that the most likely result of participation in the online traffic ticket review program are usually a reduction of the amount of the fine by the State’s Attorney. The problem is that a reduction of the fine still leaves you with a mark against your driving record and increased insurance rates for years to come.
In order to get that offer of a reduced fine through the online traffic ticket review program you have to submit your version of the case in a narrative form. This document becomes a part of your file and is an admission which can be used against you if you turn down the State’s Attorney and later elect to take your case to trial. Basically with the online traffic ticket review program you give up a lot and get very little in return. Your odds of success are a lot better by hiring a Stamford traffic ticket attorney to fight your ticket in court. Another huge disadvantage of participation in the online traffic ticket review system is that usually when the State’s Attorney makes an “offer” to you with the online platform it then is noted on your file and it becomes very difficult if not impossible to convince a second State’s Attorney to give you a better offer just because you decided to reject the online offer you received. For all these reasons we strongly advise that you never participate in the online traffic ticket review system.
How Does This Work?In most cases you will never have to appear in court. We can take care of everything for you. Let us put our 28 years of experience as Stamford speeding ticket lawyers to work for you. We use our experience to spot any errors in the police paperwork and negotiate with the State’s Attorney on your behalf for the most favorable resolution possible. In those cases where we can’t get the deal we want for our clients, we are prepared and very experienced at taking your traffic ticket case to trial and making the police officer prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt in court.
The process is really simple. 1. Call us for a free no-obligation case evaluation. 2. Send us a copy of the ticket using your smart phone or desk top computer. 3. We take care of the rest and work to achieve the best possible result so you don’t have to take time off from school or work to attend court.
Why Retain the Law Offices of Allan F. Friedman?- Arrests take place at all hours so we are available 24/7.
- 28 years of experience defending speeding and traffic tickets.
- We will fight hard to defend your drivers’ license and our focus is on results that will get you the most favorable outcome possible.
- Free initial consultation.
- Reasonable rates / flat fees.
- Our guiding principle is “Clients come first” – we take time to know you as a person, understand all the facts of your case thoroughly, and work to obtain the best result possible.
If you have received a speeding ticket or traffic ticket in Greenwich, Stamford, Norwalk, Darien, New Canaan, Cos Cob, Fairfield, Westport, Wilton, Weston, Bridgeport and throughout the County of Fairfield or State of Connecticut do not hesitate to contact the Law Offices of Allan F. Friedman. We work on a flat fee basis and our rates are very reasonable. Call Attorney Friedman at (203) 357-5555 to schedule your free initial consultation and case evaluation – we are available 24/7 to respond to urgent matters. Or you can contact us online for a prompt response.