Traffic Violations
If you got a speeding ticket or any traffic ticket you should seek assistance from a Stamford traffic ticket lawyer. No one likes getting a traffic ticket and we know how frustrating the feeling can be. The best Connecticut traffic ticket attorneys will tell you to always fight a traffic ticket by pleading not guilty.
We are Your TRAFFIC TICKET GUYS! We Make the Process Super Easy.
Step One
Call Us Now – 24/7
The first step is to call or contact us for a free case evaluation. We will give you a straightforward explanation of how we can help your case and what our fee will be.
Step Two
Email or Text us a Copy of Your Ticket
We ask you to send us a copy of your ticket so our lawyers can carefully review your ticket. We can then file a plea of not guilty on your behalf and arrange a Court date.
Step Three
We Appear At Court for You !
An attorney will appear at Court on your behalf and work out a resolution of your ticket. In the event that a favorable resolution can not be achieved we are more than capable to take your case to a trial.
We have seen a huge uptick in the amount of traffic ticket enforcement across Connecticut in recent years. While many Police officers feel strongly that they are working to make the roads safer, the arbitrary and random nature of the enforcement of traffic violations often leaves motorists who receive tickets feeling unjustly accused. Our clients often express a lot of frustration and anger over the situation. The reality is that most drivers on our roadways are exceeding the speed limit and if you try and drive the speed limit on a major highway you are probably going to create a safety hazard for all the other motorists who are speeding by you. We are here to fight for your rights and level the playing field in a system that may feel unjustly stacked against you.
Unfortunately, traffic tickets and motor vehicle misdemeanors often result in a wide range of serious consequences. From the loss of your license, hefty fines and surcharges, increased insurance rates, these consequences can have a significant impact on your life. Some motor vehicle offenses are actually criminal offenses which not only result in the immediate loss of your license but also can result in a criminal record. For those who drive for a living and have a CDL, a ticket can lead to the loss of your CDL and ability to work. If you are looking to make an informed decision and take the best course of action you should speak to a top traffic ticket lawyer today. If you have received a traffic ticket of any kind ranging from a cell phone violation, a speeding charge to a charge of reckless driving in Greenwich, Darien, Stamford, Norwalk, Westport, Wilton, Fairfield or Bridgeport then you should contact a Stamford traffic ticket lawyer with 28 years of experience in handling traffic and motor vehicle offenses and speeding tickets at the Law Offices of Allan F. Friedman. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.
Do Not Mail in Your Ticket and Pay the Fine!The best Connecticut traffic ticket lawyers will always advise you to never mail in a traffic ticket and pay the fine. While it may seem like the easy way out, it could wind up costing you hundreds of dollars in increased insurance premiums and could cause you problems with your license in the future. Your best course of action is to contact a Stamford traffic ticket lawyer to fight the ticket.
Don’t be fooled by the fine print on the back of the ticket which says that you will not get any points if you mail in the ticket and enter a plea of no contest. Yes, you will not get any points but it still goes on your driving record and will effect your insurance rates. Many people just figure the easiest way to handle the ticket is just to pay the fine and mail it in – after it says there are “no points.” The problem is that the DMV will still take “administrative sanctions” that will be imposed as a result of mailing in the ticket which include the infraction or violation being placed on your Connecticut permanent driving record with the DMV. This can result in the loss of your license if you get too many tickets and it will result in significant increases in your insurance rates for years to come. In addition, if you pick up 3 moving violations within 24 months you will be forced to attend a driver’s education retraining program and placed on a probationary status. The next ticket in the following 36 months would result in a mandatory license suspension.
We find he DMV’s promise of “no points” to be very misleading and obviously designed to encourage most people to just mail in their tickets and pay the fines. Always consult with a Connecticut traffic ticket attorney and plead not guilty!
Obviously, the preferred strategy is to attempt to have all moving violations either dismissed outright or reduced to non-moving violations which don’t effect your insurance rates. Never plead guilty by mail or on line. The best course of action is to retain an experienced Stamford speeding ticket lawyer to try and have your ticket dismissed.
We Take Care of Everything!When you hire us to fight your traffic ticket in most cases you won’t have to do anything. We take care of everything for you. We can usually appear in Court on your behalf so you do not have to take time off of work and wait in long lines at the Court to speak with a State’s Attorney. You can contact us today for a free consultation by phone or in person at our office to determine if your ticket is one which we can resolve without your presence in Court or if your appearance is required. Generally, the vast majority of traffic tickets do not require your appearance in Court unless we have to conduct a trial. Most traffic tickets we process are resolved in pre-trial negotiations with the State’s Attorney and do not require a trial.
Common Motor Vehicle Charges That We HandleThroughout the State of Connecticut, statistics demonstrate that the issuance of tickets for moving violations are increasing each year. The Police have been setting up sting operations targeting cell phone and speeding violations in which they issue dozens of tickets per hour. The reality is that the vast majority of motorists simply mail in a check and pay the ticket. This is a huge source of revenue for the State and Local Police Departments and is what motivates these efforts to set up the speed traps and cell phone stings. Later all the major insurance companies profit from these violations by using them as a reason to raise your insurance rates for years to come.
Here is a list of the most common charges we handle:
- Operation without a License C.G.S. 14-36
- Operation under Suspension C.G.S. 14-215
- Reckless Driving C. G. S. 14-222
- DUI / DWI C.G.S. 14-227(a)
- Evading Responsibility C. G. S. 14-244
- Misuse of Plates C.G.S 14-147
- Operation Without Insurance C. G.S. 14-213b
- Speeding C.G.S. 14-219
- Using a Cell Phone or Texting While Driving C.G.S. 14-296aa
- Failure to Stop for a School Bus Stop Sign C. G.S. 14-279 and
- Failure to Obey Traffic Control Signals / Red Lights C.G.S. 14-299
- Following too closely C.G.S. 14-240
- Failure to maintain proper lane C.G.S. 14-236
When you get a ticket it is often not readily apparent just how serious the charge or how it will effect you. This is why you should always speak to a Connecticut traffic ticket attorney to discuss your options. We have been handling the defense of traffic violations for over 28 years and know the best approach to achieving the most favorable outcome for you. It is very important BEFORE you plead guilty to any ticket or motor vehicle summons that you have a consultation with a Stamford speeding ticket and traffic violations attorney to review the charges and consequences of a guilty plea.
When you schedule your free initial consultation / case evaluation we will review all of the facts of your case. We will provide you free honest and candid assessment of your options and counsel you on the best plan to handle your matter. We have experience in working in Courts all over the State of Connecticut. We will discuss the goals of our representation which are usually an outright dismissal of the ticket or a reduction of the charges to a non-moving violation which carries no points. In many cases having a top rated Stamford traffic ticket lawyer to handle your traffic ticket or moving violation matter can make the difference in having that matter dismissed or reduced down to a lesser charge. Of course, if you are charged with a more serious motor vehicle crime like evading responsibility, reckless driving, operation under suspension or other misdemeanor offenses which require a mandatory Court appearance you are going to need an attorney to work to resolve the charges while minimizing the consequences.
We will let you know in advance how we intend to achieve our objective to resolve your case. Finally, in motor vehicle matters our legal fees are very reasonable flat fee rates. Call us today for a free case evaluation.
Contact a Connecticut Speeding Ticket and Traffic Ticket Attorney Today!If you have received a ticket for speeding , operation under suspension, evading responsibility, reckless driving, or another motor vehicle violation in Greenwich, Stamford, Norwalk, Darien, New Canaan, Cos Cob, Fairfield, Westport, Wilton, Weston, Bridgeport and throughout the State of Connecticut contact the Law Offices of Allan F. Friedman. We work on a flat fee basis and our rates are very reasonable. Call Attorney Friedman at (203) 357-5555 to schedule your free initial consultation and case evaluation – we are available 24/7 - 365 days a year. Or you can contact us online for a prompt response.
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